Wednesday, December 10, 2014

'Tis the season to be jolly, tralalalalala....

Christmas is just around the corner and nothing like the children's Christmas plays to get you in the mood.

Both the kids plays were great this year. Unfortunately Ewan and Faye didn't have big roles but it was still fun to see...

Since Ewan didn't have much to do in his play above are all the snippets of him (he's the pig to the left behind the sheepses, you can just see his ears and nose sticking out) and below is the full play.

Faye's school play was a lot better than last years and more traditional (no Micheal Jackson's or break dancing shepherds), so enjoy it below.

NOTE: Faye's piece is at 17:25 on the video

1 comment:

  1. These are so good Kevin ... Ewan standing with his bestest pal Archie at the beginning is just classic. I haven't seen all of Faye's yet but it also looks very nice. Just trying to find where she is on the video.
