Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Big News .... Congratulations!

Last week Andrew called me in a bit of a state (I had around four missed calls in the space of ten minutes) to say that he had some news but it 'wasn't official yet' ... they are pregnant!   I was under strict orders not to divulge this to ANYONE until they'd had the blood test results (har har, like that's going to happen) ... anyway, Leigh is about 6 1/2 weeks - so the new baby is due round about May next year.  This is such exciting news and I'm very proud and pleased for both of them.

When Leigh asked Daniel whether he'd like a brother or a sister, he said he wanted a sister .... yes, it would be so nice to have a little girl - especially considering all the girlie things I've already made that could be put to good use, like this one for starters  ...


 But you know what? we'll all be happy either way.

Congratulations from all of us here in Norfolk and I hope you have an easy pregnancy Leigh.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Big boy

Daniel waiting for his Daddy to come home from work.

Big boy started Creche today - 23/09/2015 ... first picture is when Andrew and Leigh were dropping him off. 

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Aaaarrr Me Harties

Ewan went to a Pirates and Princesses Party this afternoon. He decided to go as a pirate.

Aaaaarrr, me Harties.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Congratulations - Prefect Faye!

On 07/09/2015 Faye was made a Prefect at school. She was so happy and excited she couldn't wait to tell me when I cam home from work.

Well done Faye!

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Digital photos/videos and storage.

I know I'm not alone in this and I've posted it on my Life as a Carrot blog, maybe one of my cyber mates can come up with a good solution.  Here's the thing:

I wish there was a cost-effective way to store and display thousands upon thousands of photos that a person has accumulated over a period of a few years - and not on one of those  digital photo frames - because anyway I would need a whole wall of them and that wouldn't even begin to cover the amount of photos I've got stored digitally.   It's way too expensive to print out photos these days and most of the time they just don't print true to colour and you have to do so much fiddling about with them - on a 'puter screen they look fine and dandy but once printed out they just look crap.  

I have millions (I really don't think that's an over-statement either) of stored photos - which are on my own personal machine/s, or in cloud storage apps like Photobucket and Flickr.  I've put a lot of photo folders up on Mega. I've stored them on DVD's - yeah right, not such a great idea but I CAN still access them (I don't know for how much longer though).  A lot of people say you should never store your photos on DVD's or CD's because the surface degrades and eventually you lose that data. I suppose that's a fair enough argument.

In the olden days, you just printed out your photos (because you took twenty to thirty at a time and it was manageable- you only took photos when you went on holiday anyway, or at christenings and special occasions). I have very old photo albums that I brought with me from SA but I have taken so many photos with my digital cameras over the past ten or twenty years that it's impossible to imagine printing these out.  So what to do?  I don't want to destroy them, or let them degrade to a point where I can't access them again.  I have chronicled many important things over the course of our family's lifetime and I think a lot of these photos have great value to us as a family.  Any suggestions?