Friday, March 25, 2016

Knettishall Heath Nature Reserve visit

Knettishall Heath is just past Diss and in Suffolk.   The area's history goes back to the Bronze Age, it is a woodland habitat, with riverside meadows and grasslands, as well as heath.  It's a lovely place to have a picnic, spend a few hours rambling with the kids and today the weather was perfect.   We walked for about 2 and a half hours and finished off the walkies with ice-creams from the mobile de rigeur ice-cream seller.  

There are no touristy things there, just clean toilets and plenty of places to sit and have a picnic.   Suffolk Wildlife Trust had a chap set up opposite the toilet block, selling membership to the Wildlife Trust and a display of things to buy - so naturally I obliged and purchased two books - both 8 quid each - one on British Birds and the other on British wildflowers. They are great books, packed with photos (not drawings), so makes it easy to identify flora and fauna.  

We took Laila and she was well and truly pooped by the time we came home (fell asleep on the back window ledge in Kevin's car).   There were loads of people there today when we left and some of the kiddies were splashing in the river by the weir (it forms a natural bay and pond) - so I'm defiitely bringing the kids back in the summer holidays.  Kevin took a video and Hayzel also took some photos - she was lucky enough to get a shot of the little deer that was wandering around on the opposite river bank to us (I couldn't get a clear shot of it on telephoto, so didn't bother).  

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