Tuesday, August 9, 2016

3 years and eight months ...

... and this blog is still running, although it does seem to have developed a limp.

I am aware that perhaps only Sharon, Granny and Grandpa are the only ones (in South Africa) who are looking at this blog regularly.   I hate to nag and harp on but it would be nice if we had a bit more feedback from time to time on what has been posted.  It's very disheartening spending hours, (sometimes a whole day or even longer than a weekend!) polishing up videos and arranging photos to post onto the blog and get absolutely no response at the end of it.  To those who are commenting, thank you very much and please keep it up, otherwise this blog will die off completely. 

Many of you will know that I truly HATE Facebook but I've been forced to make use of it here in the UK in order to keep abreast of what's going on in the village with regards school and after school activities, it's saved my bacon on a couple of occasions only because I was able to get a direct answer to an urgent question immediately from my Facebook mates.     So I guess I will always have a profile up on FB.  I've tried not to post pictures of family things onto Facebook but sometimes it's the fastest and easiest thing to do, I think this is why so many people do it with monotonous regularity.  Some people post hundreds of photos a week of their kids and it creeps me the eff out.   I also don't see the point of the whole 'like' system, it's pointless and stupid. 

I've always preferred Blogging to Facebook because there is greater control, especially when it comes to posting photos.  However eventually the blog gets very big and becomes difficult to manage.  I might end up gravitating towards something else in the future that is purely formatted towards storing photos and videos - a photo blog, if you will - I don't need to write stuff on this blog anymore, it's not a magazine and nobody really gives a damn what I think anyway.  I don't need to give updates on what's happening here because we can discuss that over Whatsapp, which brings me onto something else.

I purged my phone last week and downloaded all Whatsapp images from the last time I did a photo-dump  (in 2015) - I can't believe how many good photos there are on Whatsapp, that all go into the ether unless you download them onto your machine or some other storage device. I started the 'Memories' blog specifically for photos of South Africa but I've decided now to just dump all my historical photos also from Whatsapp onto there -so that there is more of an archive of photos that aren't on this blog.  

It's Daniel's birthday soon, I hope that someone (I won't mention a name, but Andrew you know who I'm talking about) posts pictures of that event up here ... I'm not holding my breath.


  1. Please keep on blogging Janice, we really do enjoy reading the blog and I regularly show my folks what you have written and the videos
