Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Something's cooking ....

Yeah well it's been a long time since I wrote anything here.  It's not that we haven't got anything to say, just no time.  So, here's a quick round up of the latest headlines:

1. Allyson is pregnant! 
Yes folks she is about 6 weeks, we will know for sure when she goes for a scan at the hospital soon.  Ally's meds are being changed slowly, so that she's on something that won't affect baby and her during the pregnancy.  So far, she seems to be doing okay.  Of course she's worried sick - who wouldn't be?  And Ally, if you are reading this as I think you might be, it's perfectly natural for you to feel stressed or anxious, you are not alone in that.  All us mum's have gone through similar anxiety when we discovered we were expecting.  Yes, I know your situation is different but the bottom line is, we are there to help you and I believe together you will get through this with no problems.   Cutting out coffee is a major thing for you and I think that will be worse than having morning sickness in your case!

2. We have to move
 We have been told to get out of dodge, so we are now looking for a new place to rent or rent to buy, whichever comes up first.   We saw a place in the next village down from us, which would have been ideal except it was just that bit too small.  So, we are all a bit fried with nerves at the moment, even though we've technically got until May before we have to get out (in terms of our lease), it's worrying finding places to rent in small villages like ours is.    Hoping that next time I update the blog we will have found another place.

3. Faye and Ewan continue to do really well at school, I'm so proud of them both.  They had to dress up for World Book Day last week - Ewan went as the BFG and Faye went as Triss from Divergent.  Faye is basically surgically attached to her phone these days and we have to keep making her have downtime.   These kids already know more about XBox, phones, messaging, apps on their phones than I do. It's quite scary.

4. Ewan lost his front tooth last week as well, it was so funny listening to him talk.-

Faye is now busy practising for piano exams ... she is doing really well!

She is also getting to be quite a good cook ... she's made biscuits, coleslaw and other yummy things. 

 5.  Janice Art
I was contacted by one of the UK's largest art supply companies to do a review of some soft pastels that are imported from Australia.  It was an amazing experience for me to be considered by them as a real dinkum artist!   The post with my review is here

6.  William has started walking!  

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