Thursday, June 20, 2013

busy days ...

Ewan amuses himself a lot these days ... he was watching CBeebies this morning (Mr. Tumbles, who was doing something about weight lifting) and next thing, he asks me for some paper.  Goes away and draws a pair of dumb-bells that I had to cut out ...

Later in the morning, a huge parcel arrived for Kevin - he'd bought himself some new work clothes (har har), so now he and Ewan have matching outfits ...  

Not shortage of Super Heroes here at Spiders' Web

A bit later on in the morning, a letter arrived from Granny and Grandpa for Faye and Ewan.  Faye read everything out herself, including her birthday card and was very pleased to get a letter from her Granny - and stickers for her and Ewan!   You've started  a trend now, Ingrid!  She's going to want to write you another letter soon enough.

This weekend is the Long Stratton Fete, there is a beer tent, stalls, live music and fireworks, I'm sure we'll go along and take some photos.   I ordered more painting equipment - heavy structure gels and modelling paste - but it's still not enough for the kind of texture that I want to get in my work, so I'm going to head off down to the builder's supplies at the weekend and get some plaster.   I'll post pictures of my finished pieces here when I'm done.   I finished a big painting a while ago but I'm going to change it ... cough ... I'm always doing that!

Hayzel and Kevin went to Ewan's school this evening after work to meet his teacher, get his books and information about all of that - starting in September he will be going full day.  It is very organised by the looks of things.  I think he is very excited about starting 'big school' now. 

I had two calls from Knighton today within 10 minutes of each other!   Auntie Jean phoned to tell me that one bottle of wine was left at the hall and her friend brought it round the other day.  Jean put it in the fridge and didn't think anything of it and then later on this evening, decided she'd open it (as you do).  Lo and behold it was a South African wine from HERMANUS!  and there on the label was a picture of the Whale Crier ... how weird is that!   I like to think that it was my mum sending us a sign to show that she was thinking about us. 

Then a bit later on, my Uncle Les phoned to get some help with accessing this here blog - so I hope he's sorted out his IT hiccups and can look at it now.

Don't forget to check out Steve's Hungarian blog when you have a minute - it's been very hot there this week I understand - about 35C, which is a South African kind of temperature..  Temperatures soared to about 18 degrees here in Norwich and the weathermen reckoned we were in the middle of a micro-heatwave (ha! that is so funny, I think)

Anyway I have to go and finish editing a very long transcript - will probably be at it until the wee hours of the morning.   Hope everyone is fine.  Love to all.  

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