Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Get well soon!

My Auntie Barbara went in on Saturday last week for her second knee operation, so I hope that she is doing fine. Uncle Les said that she would be coming home on Wednesday - so that will be good and looking forward to perhaps having a chat on Skype - which will be the first time we've done that with you guys! 

The weather is up and down here at the moment but not really cold, to be honest.  Despite that, I've got a bit of a head cold, woke up in the night sneezing my head off and my nose has been dripping all day.  Anyway, to cheer myself up I spent most of the time today sorting out the house - re-arranged the dining room, entrance hall, Ewan's room (brought the bookcase from the office upstairs and filled it with his books), also re-arranged Faye's room and put another plastic storage 'chest of drawers' (that was actually mine) there so she has more space to store her thingies.

Entrance hall bookcase with games in - we have a ton more to put here. Best place for them!

Dining room - all moved about

Bookcase in dining room, all tidied up

Bookcase in Ewan's room with his books and stuff

Madam's room re-arranged and half-sorted out
Girls are NOT cleaner than Boys! 
Sorting out Faye's room is like walking into a bio-hazard.  I found a half-decomposed apple, a whole apple, four or five pairs of dirty socks, at least two pairs of panties (also a bit crusty), hair clips, fluff from the dog, fluff from who-knows-what, bits of sweeties, sweetie papers, first draft letters to Granny, bedazzling jewels stuck to bits of paper, pencils, pens ... she's so neat (not).  I didn't even TRY to sort out the contents of her chest of drawers or plastic storage units - I didn't have the strength left in my stomach.  Of course, I moved her bed into what I thought was the perfect position, finished cleaning the room, made her bed, only to find that I couldn't close the door!   So back to the drawing board and more heavy lifting followed.  Anyway, it kinda looks half-decent at the moment - won't last.

Ewan said I was the coolest Nana a boy could have because I fixed his books - aw ... he sure knows how to butter me up.

Oh and yesterday, we posted a card to Ingrid for Oma - it has a drawing in from Ewan and something from Faye and also two pictures that I printed out and put inside for her.  Hope things are getting better for you Ingrid, it's hard moving old ladies into care facilities, I have first hand knowledge of that.  Stay strong, you have done the right thing.


  1. Mom > I find you histerically funny. Laughed my self sick reading about fayes room. haha. However I had no idea Oma was been taken into a care facility. I will need to phone Ingrid this morning.

    You did a good job re-arranging all the house contents. I want to come stay by you guys. :(
    Your housy looks nice. I miss my mommy. xxxxx

  2. the house is looking really nice mom
