Monday, March 31, 2014

Bits and bobs

The kiddies go on Easter holidays from Friday this week - so that's going to be a bit hectic (but nice).  They are off school until the 23rd April - so a full two weeks and a bit off school.  

Hayzel and I had a go at 'grooming' Laila at the weekend, as she was looking like the Wookie from hell.  I bought Wahl 'pet' grooming clippers from the big Pet warehouse store up the road (a bit of a con really because they're identical to the ones you use for normal human hair, the motor might be a bit stronger).  She doesn't look too bad (not like last time) and we're going to have another go this weekend.  Her fur is so thick and becomes curly if it's not brushed regularly, so it goes into dreadlocks or huge matted clumps.  Anyway, she seemed very appreciative and is such a good girl, she sits very patiently while we struggle away with the clippers and scissors.

Still needs a LOT of work but we're getting there. Her ears are supposed to be all the same length and brushes smooth but that's not happening at the moment, due to all the dreadlocks. 

The girl at the kennels where she was boarding when we were on holiday, had a go at trimming her arse fur and in the process also did some trimming of the base of her tail - a big no-no for a Lhasa, as now her tail doesn't fall properly over her back. So we have to wait for that to grow out before doing any work there. 

Next week we're going to do some more work tidying up her body and face, plus trim the hair on her legs.   Eventually she'll end up looking something like this:

  or this:  we live in hope.

Can you believe that I STILL have this ugly throat/ear infection, although it's not as bad as it was last week.  I bullied the doctor into giving me some serious pain killers this time and they helped a lot.

Steve and Sharon are going great guns with the work on their small holding, looking forward to seeing the pics of the chickens!  

We are really glad that Ingrid's op on her knee has gone well and that she is finding it easier to walk around now - well done and look after yourself.

My Auntie Jean is also having an Op this week, so Barbara/Les, if you read this, please pass on our love to her when you get a chance. 

All for now.


  1. She looks like she really likes the camera :) She is looking very cute.
    I hope the Rest Family are doing well.

  2. THIS DOG is SERIOUSLY just so gorgeous. I cant get over how much personality she has. I personally think she actually looks great! I just cant get over this dog.................she looks like so much fun. Mom > You shoudl ask David to send you photos of Colt and Winchester so that everyone who reads the blog can see his beautiful Ridgeback and White coated labrador. David has tons of videos of colt in the pool if you could maybe post some of them too xxxxxx
