Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Field trip

Well we've sorted out the issue of where to go to exercise Lai-La as well as the kiddies and Nana  (big bonus that!).    Just down the road, basically five minutes from our front door is a lovely walk alongside the fields, next to bramble bushes and thickets.   There are water courses running alongside the fields as well, I can imagine in summer that these will be small streams.   All over the place are daffodils and wild primulas, very pretty.    Lots of midges!    Faye wasn't impressed with them but I'd trade midges for mosquitos and Afs anyday of the week.  Har har.

We walked for about twenty minutes to half an hour (without Ewan it probably would have taken about 15 minutes) and then met up with the sign for a public path and followed it off to the right.  However it went towards a farm and we didn't fancy having to circumnavigate that, so turned back and went the other direction.  We didn't come across any forests or stuff on this walk but it is a nice stroll for the kids and the puppy loved it to bits.

We met three people walking dogs in this area while we were out, it's very popular.     I want to try and find a walk on the other side of Long Stratton now, behind the church because I think that walk goes into a small woodland.

Scuse the wheezing in the video below ... but to be fair, we were on our way back! 
Of course Faye is completely deaf, no matter how many times I asked her to say Hello it didn't register. 

In more exciting news, our cartage arrives tomorrow at 11am or thereabouts ... more on that tomorrow.

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