Wednesday, April 17, 2013


I have a bit of time on my hands today and decided to spend some of it catching up on the blog.   I've just got back from walking Ewan to Nursery School ... it's a very blustery overcast day today.  One of the things that we all seem least pleased with in Norwich area is the wind!   God, it blows ... and I'm sure worse than those blighters in Cape Town!   It fair knocks a person about as you are walking about.  If you're not careful, you'll end up down the road with your legs in the air.  

We have begun to get into some kind of routine, as it were, now that the kids are back at school.  My day pretty much starts at 6am when I wake up.   However I don't have to take Faye to school till about 0830 - any earlier and we just end up sitting in the car waiting for the school gates to open.   Usually I sepdn the time checking IIA emails first thing in the morning, as does Hayzel, so we know if there are any major panic situations that we have to sort out during the day.  IIA still takes preference.  Kevin leaves first, then Hayzel goes at about quarter past 8.      We take the puppy in the car (on Faye's lap going and transferred to Ewan's lap on the way home) and then I drive home with puppy and Ewan to start the day. 

Ewan is an easy child to look after with me (no, seriously he is!).  I don't have any problems with him at all, to speak with.   He tries to look after the puppy but gets a bit excited every now and then, so I have to step in to avoid injuries. Lai-la now knows how to get up the stairs, which is a blessing and curse at the same time.  She is still a bit too little to negotiate the coming down part on her own, so that can be a worry if she suddenly decides to try and go down by herself and nobody is watching her.

My 'office' is in my bedroom and I generally settle down to do transcript typing when I get back from taking Ewan to school.  I'm not going to do any today, because I was working on major heavy deadlines for transcripts yesterday and into 1am this morning, plus I've already done four this morning before I took Ewan to school.  So I'm having a break (hence typing up the blog).   It's a bit too cold to paint, although I have all the painting equipment downstairs now in the 'studio' (garage).   Most of our boxes have been unpacked.

We bought an assortment of assemble yourself furniture last weekend - including desks for Kevin and me, office swivel chairs, book cases, side boards ... so Kevin was uber busy all weekend assembling the stuff and he does a really good job!      I've got my music set up in my room, so that's a big plus for me - although I'm probably going to end up moving it into the studio.

We've now got a few ornaments (mostly my mother's stuff actually - we sold all of OURS!) and books on display, picture frames with photos in all over the place and generally the house is starting to look like home.  Even Ewan said that it looks the same-same as our 'old' house before we came to Inga-land.

Depending on the weather, I either walk to collect Ewan and Faye, or else I will take the car and park in the parking area alloted for the park/play ground, which is next to Manorfield Nursery school.   There isn't much parking on the road going to the schools and by 3pm it's all taken up.    I actually prefer to walk.    So I walk to Ewan's school (about 3 minutes), collect him, walk a little bit down the road and meet Faye coming up the hill.  She walks from her school basically one and a half blocks before she meets me.  Then we all walk back to the house together.

You are not allowed to take dogs onto the school grounds, although they've told me it's not a problem bringing Lai-la, so long as I hold her.   That's okay but I'm sure one of these days, she's going to do a poop right in front of a parent, who is then going to complain.   I've already had a few skew looks from one or two parents at the school.  So from today, I'm going to leave her in the house when I take and fetch the kids.   She is perfectly safe in the dining room/kitchen area and at least the floor is a washable hi-glazed stone tile.  Plus she's gotten used to using the puppy poop sheets that we've bought for her, so that helps a lot.   Of course, the only thing is, she cries a bit when there is nobody here.  Oh well, she'll just have to get a bit tougher I suppose.  

When we get home, I usually check more work emails (IIA and my transcription typing employer), sort out the kids homework, do a bit of washing, get dinner prepared.  Try to stay sane.

Kevin usually arrives home at abou 5.30 and Hayzel round about 6.15.      So far they are both doing fine in their jobs.  Hayzel has discovered that she's got leave due to her for this year.  I don't know about Kevin, we are hoping to find that out before the end of this week.

After supper, I have been doing transcripts until about 12pm but I want to stop that now and try and get into the habit of only doing them during the daylight hours, otherwise I will burn myself out. 

We are all (Kevin, Hayzel, kiddies and me) going to go to Wales on June 15th to celebrate my Auntie Jean's 80th birthday - and driving back the next day.   It should be a cool weekend, albeit a bit of a drive.  I think it's just over 4 hours each way.   I am going to hire a car for that weekend, as I don't trust our 2nd handers to do the trip without hassles and don't want to be stuck in the middle of nowhere.   Car hire here is cheap as chips compared to South Africa.     I am busy sorting out our accommodation now and also book Lai-La into a kennels for the weekend, as we don't want to take her all that way in the car with us - we'll never get there. 

All for now
Love to everyone ...

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