Sunday, September 22, 2013

Nana Smurf and Spinning Shoes

I had a rush of blood to the head this weekend whilst out shopping at Morrison's with Hayzel and was encouraged in the purchase of BLUE haircolour by a fellow shopper and her husband, who said if I liked it then I should do it!  So I did it ... I went and tinted the hair blue, well more like my scalp was a luminous neon blue and I had streaky bits of blue, green and silver in the rest of my hair.  I'm nothing, if not adventurous.
Foto doesn't really show up the blue much, trust me it was blue (mostly) ...

Anyway, after a night being a blue bottle, I decided to sort it out and put some brown on, to get it back to a degree of 'normal'  So the end result tonight is a rather dark brown with a slight halo of blue.

Back to kind of normal

Faye and Ewan's Granny and Granpa in SA sent them some money recently, so Hayzel took Faye out this weekend and the result are these stunning Bella Ballerina shoes that Faye chose herself.  She wore them to a birthday party that she went to at the Norwich Riverside Bowling Alley today.

I had to crop the picture of Faye (below) modelling her shoes, as a certain 4 year old boy was in the process of changing behind her in his room and er ... certain parts of anatomy were proudly on display!   

1 comment:

  1. Those are stunning shoes,wish they had shoes like that when I was a kid! I cant believe how much Faye has grown,she looks like a teenager already in her jeans.LOL
