Monday, December 16, 2013

'er ... is this thing on? Are you receiving me? Is there anybody out there?

Kevin and I are getting a bit fed up - we may even consider going on a go slow, or even strike!  The toyi-toying is about to start, we have our sticks and our protest songs. 


Seriously for a minute, we both feel as though we are posting to the ether at the moment because we very rarely get any comments on our posts.   To all those of you who are posting comments, keep it up, the more the merrier and thank you very much.  It's important for us to get feedback and we appreciate any comments that you guys give us  - at least then we know that the things we are talking about are getting read.

I started this blog primarily with the sole intention of keeping all you folks in South Africa updated as often as possible on what we are doing here.  It is also important for you to see what the kiddies are doing, because they change so quickly. Both Faye and Ewan have grown up this past couple of months, not just in height but in attitude.

Yes, for a lot of us we are using Whatsapp just about all day from the minute we wake up to send little videos, voice messages, pictures and text messages in a running commentary.   This blog is an extension of that and in a lot of cases more detailed.  Plus, generally, the photos and videos are better quality!

We appreciate that it's not often possible for everyone to visit the blog every day, or even once a week but when you do get a chance, please comment on the posts.  Even if it's to say '!#$@% off' ... it just gives us a bit of a kick and encourages us to continue with the updates.   It takes a lot of time to do the videos and Kevin devotes a great deal of his time to this in the evenings ... when he's not playing X-box :)  I don't want him to stop doing this work, as I think it's really important. 

If you have any suggestions on how we could improve the Blog and make it easier for you guys to put your pounds worth on here, please let me know.  I can also attach a 'CHAT' application to this blog, which means that when people are on it at the same time, they can have a quick internet talk.  Let me know if you would like that, or anything else we can do to make it more fun.

Please guys, whenever you visit the blog, make a comment - we are not asking you to do this for Google rankings, as this blog is private.  


  1. Hi there.Yes,please keep up the blog.I try to visit it at least once a week and when the folks come over,let them read all the news.You and Kev are doing a marvellous job and I really enjoy seeing all the interesting things you guys do,as well as all the news on the kiddies.LOL xx

  2. Thanks Sharon. Another reason we like to see comment on the posts about the kids especially, is so that we can pass it on to them, they appreciate hearing what Granny and you all have to say about their achievements or little bits of news! Thanks again!
