Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Ewan's Christmas Pageant

This morning it was Ewan's Christmas play at school.  Hayzel had the day off and took Kevin's camera and tripod - she took a video, so we'll see how it went. It was difficult filming in the hall as it is very small and there were a lot of parents all trying to get good photos of their kiddies and it was quite dark in there.    I also battled to take photos but anyway, these are a couple of shots. I'm sure Kevin will post the video soon.
 Hayzel and I were right at the back in the corner next to the Christmas tree.  The tripod is too short, so when she was standing with it on the floor, she actually had to hold it off the ground by about a foot, so that doesn't really serve the purpose hey?   She ended up standing on a chair and was stuck in that position for the rest of the concert.

Somewhat out of focus Sheep

Every time I lined up a shot, some other kid stood in front of him.  He was singing Away In A Manger in this shot.

In the afternoon, he stayed at school for three-quarters of an hour to make Christmas crafts that they are selling at the Fayre on Saturday morning. 

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