Sunday, February 2, 2014

Hayzel's Birthday Braai

Not much of Hayzel (as she never wants to make "home movies", wink, wink, nudge, nudge, say no more!). But just a bit of commentary and the preparation for her good old Souf Effrican birthday of boere wors rolls and maatjies (no Zamalek though).

Other videos still to come eventually are:

1. Our Christmas video, and;
2. Fayes Christmas school play. This may not ever see the light of day (not because of Janice's videoing) because for a country where "culture" is meant to come from, their schools are woefully badly equipped (for theatrical productions). In SA every school in the previously advantaged areas has got a real stage with curtains, lights, sound and a proper backstage. Not so here nothing nada zilch, so it is very difficult to try and video these kinds of events.


  1. Er. There's none of Hayzel! But it was very yummy wors and nice video production ¦)

  2. Well done sweetie you still got it.
