Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Lylie-loo-loo's home

She doesn't seem to know what's going on ... was very quiet in the car and is running around looking for Faye - she sniffed the entrance hall carpet like crazy when we first walked in the door.  Kevin is going to fetch the kids at 4pm, so it's going to be pandemonium in our house when she meets Faye again. Hold onto yourselves.
Oh and she doesn't stink too bad - just like wet dog, which is bearable.  The guy at the kennels didn't want me to take her home {he told me on the phone, 'she's a big dog in a small dog's body').  His daughter (who basically runs the kennels) also has fallen completely in love with Laila.   


  1. She needs a bath this weekend but she's not ugly, she's very cute.

  2. I agree. Shes the most cutest thing ever. But she does look a bit mattered compared to when you first bought her. She was so well groomed when she was little but she looks a bit greasy now..hehehe. Next time dont take her to the kennels, take her to a doggy parlor for a peddycure and a wash and dry............A hair do will do her wonders. I like her. shes cute. :)
