Sunday, March 31, 2013

Easter eggs a plenty

 Our clocks here in the UK were all put forward an hour at 1am this morning, so we are now only one hour behind you ous in South Effreeka.  

The Easter Bunny was at our house in the freezing sleet and snow round about 5am ... I'm sure he's got his feet up now enjoying a hot toddy of sorts.

We watched a movie called "Rise of the Guardians" yesterday with the kiddies - all about Jack Frost, the Easter Bunny, Father Christmas, the Tooth Fairy, the Sandman and, er, the Boogeyman ... what a cool movie!  If you haven't watched it, have a look, it's such a sweet little film. 

Kevin and Hayzel also took photos and I did a video  - don't know if it will load here though, will try later.   Have a good day off tomorrow as well everyone.


  1. Easter wasn't the same without you guys :(

  2. Yep, know the feeling ... you chaps must upload some photos here as well and your news, when you have a minute.
    love you
