Sunday, July 28, 2013

Ewans Birthday Presents Video

Here is Ewan's birthday video showing all the presents he got and him thanking everybody for his presents (the best bit is towards the end when I tries to thank everyone, oh and also him mesmerised by the sparkler on his cake).

Remember to click on the youtube so you get taken to youtube and watch it as big as you want and in hi-def(ish) if you want. Unfortunately the camera I am using isn't up to my usual high standards but I am sick and tired of capturing tapes off my fave Canon. It is a hell of a lot quicker to download video off a memory card.

I have a backlog of videos and will get them posted as soon as I can get them edited and uploaded.

Ewans Birthday Video:

Then their is also a short video of some of the floats from the street parade in Norwich a few weeks back.