Sunday, July 21, 2013

Pettitts Animal Adventure Park and Reedham Ferry crossing

After breakfast this morning, I gave Ewan a Superman costume that I forgot I'd bought a while back from Tescos (as a warm up birthday present) only to find that the magnetic security tag was still attached to it.  So we took it back on our way out to Pettitts this morning, got them to take the tag off and changed him in the car.   As always, click on foties for larger versions. 

After a bit of a fight with the GPS (! :) ... something of an injoke that) ... we ended up at Pettitts for a bit of a pre-4th birthday treat for Ewan.    The weather was overcast today and sometimes a little bit chilly (although by the time we got home the sun was all bright and warm again).  

We had a picnic next to the duck pond and then wandered around for a few hours with the kiddies, whilst they played on all the assorted activities.  The entrance fee included the cost of most of the 'rides and games' but the more attractive ones - like the remote controlled boats, hillbilly shooting, for example, cost extra, something of a rip off considering the entrance fee was over £50.   Anyway we all had a good time and the kiddies were completely knackered when we got to come home, which is after all the point of taking them to places like this, isn't it? 

Anyhow here's a few photos - my Nikon batteries died half way through, so Hayzel took some shots with her Canon later on.  Kevin also did a video, which should be fun seeing when he posts it to UBoob. 

A ride on the miniature train - one of Ewan's fave things to do.

T'duck eyeing me up ...

Hmm ... what can I ride on next?
 I took your advice Toni and in all three of the shots (Ducks and Ewan) I used eyepiece for focusing rather than the LED screen.  It definitely does help you get a better and sharper image, so thanks for that tip!  

I've noticed that using telephoto on the Nikon makes the shots 'white' out.

The goats kept trying to eat my shirt

Ewan and Faye driving a train

A very porky Iguana

Faye on stage helping Bingo the Bubbly Clown

Bingo making one of his huge long balloon bubbles

After we left Pettitts, we decided to go and check out the Reedham Ferry crossing ...

Campsite alongside the Ferry

1 comment:

  1. Very nice pics guys, Looks like fun. Hope all is good that side. Its ewans birthday soon :), Don't know what he is going to be but supper man looks cool on him. I see you guys even took a photo of Trent from NIN, i always thought he looks like a goat :) just kidding mom.
