Sunday, August 11, 2013

Butterflies and Antiques (not)

We decided to go down the road this afternoon to Dunstan Hall as there was an advertised "Antique Fair" on today.

Dunstan Hall is a 4 star hotel and was built in the current mock-Tudor style round about 1859, and it's erm quite larny. It's also a very popular wedding venue and there's a decent golf course as well.  Turns out they wanted to charge us 3 pounds each to enter (children free) ... just to wander around a room filled with old shit that dealers were selling at over-inflated prices.  We turned around and left.    |Then we tried to find Tasburgh Fishing Lakes on the way home but we had gone down the wrong road, so that was a non-event as well.  Next time we'll be a bit more prepared and take the maps (or Kevin) along with us.    Anyway, it's not all doom and gloom :) ... butterflies have been swarming all over a bush in our garden that's just come into flower, couldn't resist taking a few shots ...

I did a few more paintings, just have to glaze them now. 

Next week is going to be hectic   .... so looking forward to welcoming the arrival of little Peanut on Wednesday (?).   Allyson has also moved out of the place she was sharing with Ronnie the psycho and is now living with David and Mags.  Hope everything starts to turn around for you now Ally, you deserve a break.   

1 comment:

  1. Very Pretty Paintings Mom, And the fluterbyes are pretty too.
