Thursday, August 22, 2013

Out in the fields ...

Crikey the farmers in this part of the world are serious about getting in their harvests!   The combined harvesters were working until well after midnight last night, with full lights on - like some weird alien UFOs driving around the fields back yonder.  The sound was quite irritating but thankfully for double glazing, once you close your windows it's nice and quiet ...  The farmers must have known it was going to rain this morning. 

Aarr ... speaking of combined harvesters,  Farmers Weekly spotted Kev's video on YouTube of the Claas Lexion and have asked him if they can use the clip on their weekly farming bulletin for their website - not bad!   So Kev's famous.  

Here's a few pics of pudding that Andrew sent to me or the group on Whatsapp:

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