Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Mixed bag

National Play Day (today) 
I took the kiddies down to the Leisure Centre, after Faye had finished writing letters to her Granny, Grandpa, Oma;  Auntie Leigh, Uncle Andrew and Grandad ... (don't worry Dave, Mags and Ally, Sharon she'll be doing yours tomorrow!) ...

Faye did a bit of roller skating and is getting reasonably good, she can at least stay up now and move about by herself, I think she only fell on her bum twice. Ewan, on the other hand, was like a baby giraffe at a watering hole ... legs splaying apart and not coming together at all ... it was comical but I had to keep a straight face.  He wasn't enjoying himself even after we changed to lighter skates and we've decided that it's not his thing just yet.

We went to look outside in the field alongside the Leisure Centre and they'd put up various activities for the kiddies to play on - everything was free today (except hire of roller skates at 50p a person).  There were trampolines set up, Bungee jumping, rock climbing, Spooky House Library van set up, games with skittles, musical instruments, masses of balls, hoola hoops ... basically anything a kid would play with.
Of particular interest to me (and the kids) was a stand with Eagle Owls, snakes, tortoises, geckos, Madagascar hissing cockroaches (thankfully I didn't see them), tarantulas ... it was really cool because the people let us handle the animals for a long time. I had a beautiful and rather large orange-gold and brown Corn snake wriggling around on my hands and arms for ages.   A bit later on, the chap who was handling the reptiles let me have the Rock Python to hold because he said I looked like I knew what I was doing around snakes and wasn't phased by them.   It was a baby python and absolutely gorgeous, if these things stayed small and you never had to feed them bunnies (or small children), it would be the pet for me!   

Missy with the baby Barn Owl, 'it's so soft, Nana!'

Ewan was fascinated with the baby Barn Owl.  Here he's holding it on his arm with the glove.

It started to get a bit chilly and as it was close to lunch time, we left the place, went to the Co-op and got some stuff for lunch.  Later on in the afternoon we went back, but it was all practically finished and they were busy packing away the activities.  Faye managed to get a few minutes on the Bungee swing, Ewan played on the jumping castle and ball pool and then we came home.

Arty farty things
Earlier in the week, I got the kiddies to paint pebbles that we have in abundance in our back garden (used for landscaping).  Here's the results:

Faye's Panda (four pebbles in total)

Ewan's family of frogs (9 pebbles in total - we'll have to get a skip in when we move to replace all the garden rocks!)

We learnt yesterday that Leigh will be going in for a Caesar on Tuesday next week, so little peanut will arrive either Tuesday or Wednesday ... can't wait.

Had her stitches out last week and her arm is looking much better now.   Turns out she had a type of tumour growing between the layers of skin in her arm, that is caused by an ingrown hair ... weird!  Anyway, it's perfectly fine and nothing to worry about.   Hayzel has been on a rather intensive First Aid course this week, she finished today (third day) - her work sent her on it as there has to be one person in their department who has first aid skills and she volunteered.  She's learnt a lot and it's been interesting listening to what she had to say about it this week ... she managed to debunk a lot of myths that we (as ignorant ornery folks have) about what to do in emergency situations and how to effectively do CPR.

was having eye surgery today - I'm sure it all went perfectly and am interested to hear what you have to say about it. I wish my corneas weren't so old and decrepit, I'd love to have that surgery done - no more glasses, what a joy.

hope you are managing to cope with Oma at home, it must be hard work!  We're thinking about you guys all the time.

sent me this beautiful picture taken near where they live this week ...

What a lovely photo and something really bright to end this post with!  Hope it's cooled down a bit in Hungary.

Cheers for now.

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