Sunday, August 11, 2013

Going back in time and things kids have to say about the modern lifestyle:

On Saturday after doing our recycling bit for the planet and taking all our glass and card board to the recycling depot, afterwards we took the kids to the local park.

Ewan on his bike and Faye on her scooter. It was very busy, all the people there to watch Long Stratton FC play a bit of footie, kinds running around the play area. As Ewan goes into the kiddie play area a cute little girl shouts "There's my friend Ewan, Ewan!" and off they go hand in hand to play.

A short while later they come to where we are sitting and the little girl starts talking to Hayzel. The story went something like this, "It's summer holidays and my mummy is taking me to the beach tomorrow. My daddy doesn't stay with us anymore and he doesn't take me anywhere, he takes me to the pub...".

Aaah yes, life in the new millenium, how far we have advanced...

Here is another old video from March 2013, I quickly finished it, trying to catch up with the backlog. This was filmed using Hayzels ipod so it is only in 720p HD, sorry.

If you have forgotten, below is the link to the original post...

and below, to the video...

1 comment:

  1. Cool video - forgot how cold it was when we went there that day! We all look completely frozen stiff! Still it was a great day out, I really enjoyed the museum and the model trains inside.
