Monday, August 26, 2013

Caister Point Beach - Bank Holiday Monday (for us)

We took a drive out to Caister-on-Sea just before lunch time today to the Caister Point Beach - it is about 40 minutes from our house.   Lovely weather today, sunny, warm, nice breeze blowing, sea actually NOT cold!

  Missy made friends with a few little girls her age and we basically hardly saw her, she was in the water or building sandcastle the whole day.

Ewan face planted in the sea but he was still game to go back a couple more times.

We had bacon and egg buns and chips from the beachside cafe - yummy.

Civilised hey?  the ice cream van is 4x4

Laila deciding where to dig her next hole

Tucking into the bacon

Far on the horizon - can only really see detail with my telefoto lens - don't know what it is?  Microwave tower?  Oil drilling rig?  Who knows.

Laila from her perch up on the backwindow cover

Missy and Laila pooped out from the sun and surf

Hayzel took some shots of butterflies

Empty glass on a lazy summer day ... something wrong with this picture!

We also must congratulate Dave for his splendid shooting that he did last weekend up in the veldt there near Pretoria.   Well done dude, excellent photos you sent us.

Looking forward to a post about the Blesbok hunt ...

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