Tuesday, April 22, 2014

A Little Video of Baby Faye

A little video of baby Faye learning to rinse her mouth after brushing her teeth.

I have sent it in to You've been Framed, hopefully it will get selected for telly and then I can make GBP 250.00 .

(ha ha, not in hi def, this was before the days of HD).


  1. So cute... You will have to share with me and Faye if it gets selected

  2. Aw I'd forgotten about that, absolutely priceless. You must keep this for when she turns 21. For some reason I can't watch the Blog videos on my tablet, it insists that I instal a plug in but won't tell me which one ??? :) So I can only view from my laptop.

  3. Dam she is so cute lol, I miss her very much.
    She was so cute when she was young i also forgot how cute she was back then before HD :)
