Thursday, April 17, 2014

Brownie Camp ... the return

Faye seems to have had a brilliant time at the Brownie camp. They were kept really busy, went on cool outings - including night walks, a walk to the River Orwell (they saw baby ducklings and swans), on Tuesday they went on a train journey and also saw a Scout/Guide/Brownie show and had a picnic in the park.  She did archery (and got a bulls' eye), made crafts (including a 'do not disturb' door hanger for Ewan's room), baked yummy biscuits, washed toilets and only seems to have had one weep on the evening after we'd dropped her off. It was very well organised and I'm sure she's going to be going on lots more of these adventures.  Her dad took a video this morning when we went to fetch her, so watch out for that soon.  Here's a few pics from today:

All shipshape ready for parent inspection

Lots of loves, hugs and kisses from family

Showing us around

Badges they worked towards

The mess hall

Menus - they ate really well by the looks of things

With dad before they put on a little 'entertainment' for the parents

Singing Thomas The Tank Engine song - Thomas was the theme for this year's camp

Yes, it was really bright and sunny when we fetched her - who says the UK is always overcast and raining? Rubbish.

Ewan and his friend Benjamin (who is from South African stock and is at the same school as Ewan)

Doing her salute to Brown Owl before getting one of her badges

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