Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Walk in the Fields

Today after lunch we decided to get out the house as it was nice and sunny and not too windy today.

Laila was leashed up and we went for a walk in the fields nearby.


  1. Sweet ... the kids are so good with your movie projects, they are right little actors!

  2. I was just ganna say the EXACT SAME thing mom. The kids are brilliant actors.........They do so well. hahahahaha. Strange how I was thinking the same thing Carrot. Dont know why the HELL ex-pats from Britain say the wheather is all doom and gloom. Faye is walking around with no jersey and it looked like a gorgeous day. People are so full of shit...........Or does wheather like that only happen once a week in 365 days? You guys really live in a spectacular part of the UK. You guys did really well picking Norwich and if memory stands me correct - you guys basically took a flying guess on ini mini miny mo on where you were going to settle. Didnt you guys just pick a pencil on the map, close your eyes and spot the dot!!! wahahahahaha!!!!! lol. Im funny hay. lol.

    I dont have sound to listen to these videos but very funny clip of Ewan getting stuck in the mud.....Miss you guys so much and so jealous xxxxx

    Love Ally
