Sunday, April 13, 2014

Hallowtree Camp Site - Ipswich

We took Faye to the Brownie camp today at Hallowtree, on the outskirts of Ipswich near the River Orwell.  All the girls are staying in the main hall, and the camp beds were all set out ready for them when we got there.   I'm sure she's going to have a lot of fun - she'll be gone until Thursday.  I thought it was so cute when she was packing her things - even though she so wants to be a big girl, Sparkles had to go along with!  I had to sew a name tag on yesterday afternoon, in case Sparkles go missing.  How cute is that, hey Dave?!  Even after all this time, Sparkles has pride of place in her heart.

 At 2pm sharp we all had to kiss our individual Brownie and hot foot it outta there, hence the blurry pictures. 

I don't think I've taken many pictures of the Norfolk scenery when the rape seed is in full bloom - these were taken from the car, so not the greatest but you get the idea.  The neon-yellow fields are everywhere in this part of the world. 

Wind turbines at an industrial park a few miles on the other side of Diss. Lovely sunny day today.
Brown Owl told me to bring my camera when we come to collect Faye because they are going to be doing a little drama for all the mums and dads. Oh and Faye may have the opportunity to try her hand at a bit of Archery whilst she's at Hallowtree.

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