Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Morning at the Park:

Today was a nice sunny warm day (warm by the past days we have been having) and the kids on on break, so to give them something to do we went to the park.

Spring is just around the corner for us in the Northern Hemisphere, so hopefully weather will start clearing up a little bit for us. There are more and more birds singing in the trees and the pigeons are getting frisky, so here's to better weather!

Here are some pics of the kids in the park. Faye wanted some action shots of Bloom and Musa, so here they are aswell (click for bigger pic).


  1. Magical set of photos, Kevin - they are lovely!

  2. These are such nice photos guys you should think about doing photos as a job?

  3. Hey Sweetie, good job on the photo's - maybe you should do a photography course and go into that. You have a good eye.

  4. nah it was just the special effect in the camera, thats all...
