Sunday, February 17, 2013

St Mary's Church Long Stratton

I went to Church this morning, am pleased I did and now feel all Holier than thee (har har)
I spoke to the Assistant Curate and asked if I could have permission to go back sometime next week during the day to take my own pictures of the inside.  She said it wouldn't be a problem and that the Church is open in the mornings - so that's good.

They seem a nice bunch of people, the Minister (not the regular one) spent most of the service talking about how many mountains he's climbed (not with ropes and tackle but just walking) ... then proceeded to show us all his photos.  Quite sweet.

I noticed that there were only four bells ringing, so it looks like they haven't found a new bell ringer to join them yet.  If I get 'in' with the in-crowd, then I might end up volunteering, cos that's a cool job.   Although with my gammy shoulder, might not be the best thing to do every Sunday morning.

I am quite interested in trying to get some photos of the Sexton's Wheel of my own and also of some of the other features inside the Church, not least of which - the stained glass window.  It's not in any way a remarkable window, I've seen much better ones and it looks in dire need of some restoration but it has it's own charm. 

The stained glass window - not my photo
Hayzel and Kevin are going out this afternoon with the kiddies to Tim and Toni's - it's quite a nice day, puffy clouds and a bit of bright sunshine in the blue sky - so hope it stays like that.  It was very misty and foggy this morning when I was walking to Church (only about ten minutes from our house).

David won at the cricket today, so they are advancing to the Finals really quickly and doing very well- Congratulations Dude!
I understand that Eric is making very good progress and the Doctors are all pleased with him and the success of the Op, so that's really good news.

I am going to spend this afternoon doing tests for transcription typing work - well, that's the plan but whether I actually do it, is another story - I've been procrastinating all week about this 'work' prospect ... it pays a pittance.

The kids have a mid-term break now, I think they are off all of next week - should be fun. 


  1. Dad's doing well.Saw him again this afternoon.The drips are out of his neck and he might go to a general ward tomorrow.LOL
