Sunday, January 13, 2013

Change of direction?

Last Friday, Faye came home from school with a laminated certificate that her teacher had given her for being the Best Busy Bee in her class this week and congratulating her on getting through her first week in the new school.  We were really chuffed and proud of her  - not just for getting this little certificate but for the way she's handled herself all week.   I told her that I would scan and post a picture of the certificate to this blog, so that all the folks back home (especially Granny, Grandpa and Oma) could see it and share in this small achievement.  

Kevin, however, immediately made it clear that he doesn't want me to do this and said that there is already too much information and pictures on the blog about the children, where they live etc. etc.  

Despite the fact that this is a big blow to me, I have to respect his decision and effectively this means that I have to institute control over who views this blog and who doesn't.   You may receive an email soon, inviting you to be one of the 'readers' of this blog, please make sure to respond, otherwise you won't be able to view it.   Please email me at either or if you have any problem viewing it.   If you don't receive an email inviting you to be a reader, please email me anyway - as I am not 100% sure of everybody's email addresses!   


  1. Kevin has a point, there are some very strange people in this world and protecting your annonimity is becoming essential. I am very careful what I say and do on the web these days, you just never know...

  2. Thanks Steve, glad you didn't have any problems viewing and making a comment
