Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Winter wonderland

So now we have a whole load of people posting to the Blog, this is going to get weird, I just know it!
David, you can't post crap videos of me up here!  Grrr.
This was taken with the Nokia camera a few minutes ago.   I think Kevin is working on a huge production with his video camera, so be prepared to be amazed.

In other news, it's going to be interesting walking to school with Ewan to go and fetch Faye at around 3.15 today!   The flakes of snow are coming down in sheets now, flakes of snow are 1/2 to one inch across in some cases.


  1. Nope, I can't until my PC arrives here (hopefully by next year from the sounds of the cartage company), as I still run old school with DV tapes and things.

  2. we'll have to figure something out in the meantime - I don't want to wait four years for a video of our first christmas in the UK :)

  3. You guys are hilarious ! I had a skid incident driving to Matt's school! Other than that all are enjoying the snow too :)
    PS look forward to the weird xxx

  4. Shit Toni, you must hold back with the Colin McRae rally stuff when the kids are in the car ... :)
