Thursday, January 17, 2013


Well it hasn't snowed again today but we are bracing ourselves for a lot more over the weekend.   It's still thick (the snow coverage) and hasn't really melted much at all, very icy underfoot - despite the absolutely beautiful blue skies and sunshine that we've had all day today!
I think road conditions are actually worse today than they were yesterday but Faye went back to school this morning.

The hairdressing practical 'test' that Hayzel was supposed to do in Diss yesterday evening, was moved to the Long Stratton salon.  So we were quite relieved about that because the salon is only a couple of blocks from our house and we weren't looking forward to driving all the way into Diss in the snow and ice.    Hayzel did a great practical, I got a free haircut and blowdry, plus Redken products for a change on my hair ... then ...

Well, turns out the owners (people who were giving Hayzel the interview) have decided that they want to sell the Long Stratton salon because their stylists keep leaving. So they threw a complete wobbly at us and asked if Hayzel would be interested in buying it for .... wait for it ...  £50,000 ... (or a reasonably close offer) ....  hey, no problem! 
A long waffling meeting then followed, whilst these two tried to convince Hayzel (and me, by extension) to have a go.  The chap who started the salons (they have one in Diss, one in Bury St Edmunds and this one in Long Stratton) does Liz Hurley's hair, also Joanna Lumley's hair (she of Absolutely Fabulous fame). 
The deal-breaker for me was when they said that we don't have to pay for electricity ... what?   .... turns out they haven't received a power bill since 2002.   So, of course you know what would happen to us, right?   We would move in and one month later get a bill from British Gas for power usage since 2002 and for a hair salon, that could be many thousands of pounds.    So no, we won't be falling for that one.  Nice try, Cyril.    
It was disappointing, for Hayzel but in the long run, we both think these two have done us a favour and forced us to look at the bigger picture.

We (Hayzel and I) have decided to refocus and have another look at the prospects of continuing with IIA - I've already signed up a new client (yesterday) who is based in Durban - so us being based in the UK doesn't put clients off - and there is still a very good earnings base for us within the migration industry; specially from the UK side.     Anyhow, will keep you posted if anything else interesting develops.

Not much else to report, cheers for now.

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